It is said that in order to become a good writer, you must read. Of course, you must practice as well. I often notice authors talking about how reading helped them with their career. Widening their imagination, improving their language and so on. I read, because I love reading. That's the main reason. Of course there are others, and I would be lying if I said I didn't hope it would improve my writing skills. Books have really made my English what is it today. I am thankful for that. I am yet to see progress in my writing skills. Believe me when I say that I don't confess that because I want to hear you praising my writing. It is passable, and I don't honestly try. I simply read wishing the next post I write here would set off my writing career.
I've never considered myself a writer, in order to do that, reading will take the backseat and I can't endure that. Being a reader is what is most important to me. I'm sure we've all contemplated the moment when we write a novel that everyone absolutely falls in love with, and we'll look back thinking how books helped us get there. I would love to be a writer, don't get me wrong though. But I haven't done much to improve it. I start writing, pouring out words that come to my mind, only checking it for spelling or grammar mistakes and I hit publish. However, why do I feel like there's somebody waiting for me to fall in love with writing? Why must all readers be converted? Reading is most certainly enough.
The idea of being a writer is enchanting. There's an air to that, I'm a writer. There's self confidence, I enjoy writing. There's even a hint of pride, I write.
Writing requires an effort. Talent, too. If I had that talent I am sure I'd have discovered it long time ago. Having said that, a lack of a talent doesn't necessarily mean I can't be better at writing. I most certainly can. All it takes is some dedication and persistence. I am sure it requires more but I am yet to learn what. I will not end this by promising myself to try harder, to write more often, to persist.
I'll ask you though, if you're a writer. Has reading helped? Is it true that writing is like nothing else? Once you've been lured, even reading isn't as tempting? Or are these assumptions of mine?
This is dedicated to Nema, you know why.
I'll tell you something:
About reading and writing, I can only read and mostly finish novels when I'm inspired to write. And vice versa. Reading inspires me to write, and writing makes me wanna read more to broaden my imagination. I cannot read and not write, and I cannot write and be in no mood for reading. It's always been like this with me.
That's why I believe anyone who reads and gets to think and imagine, can easily write with a little effort and great spirit.
You have an amazing hidden talent that you're about yet to discover, it's gonna be the best days of your life, and you'll see everything differently; the ugliest things on street will inspire you. Like ..I once read a quote that said that photographers do not believe a flower should be photographed because it speaks for its beauty without images, but ugly things need photography to revive the beauty they hide.
I'm all yours with whatever you'll need, feedback or encouragement. Just point and I'll be there insha'allah =)
I love you!! Seriously!
<3 <3
Writing doesn't need talent as much as it requires vivid imagination. After all, a powerful metaphor is how you imagine it, before it sees the world.
And once you do that, once you can watch your own imagination on paper, and take my word on that, you'll be miserable for the rest of your life except when you're in the company of paper and pencils.
It's 'that' captivating.
@Knee That makes sense actually. I am waiting for inspiration, but I'm not rushing it. You really give me hope in my writing! Thank you for that.
I'm counting on my years of reading, I know it'll help someday.
@ibhog Thanks a lot for your comment. I understand what you're saying, I am not sure I am blessed with a vivid imagination but who knows? I might be converted to writing soon. :)
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